Buy Crown Vetch Seed
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Crown Vetch (Coronilla varia) - An extremely fast and aggressive plant, Crown vetch produces a quick ground cover for erosion control with white to pink flowers. This legume should be planted for erosion control in certain hard-to-reach areas such as steep, dry, rocky slopes and low fertility soils. It is best not to grow it in places where there are other plants established as it will crowd them out.
It has moderate shade tolerance, but high drought tolerance. Crown vetch is one of the easiest, fastest, economical and beautiful ways to cover bare ground. You will often see it blooming along the side or center divider of highways, particularly on steep banks or slopes. A superb way to prevent soil erosion, choke out weeds, and beautify the landscape with minimal effort or cost.Crown vetch quickly spreads by sending out shoots above and below ground getting roots up to 12 inches deep in to time soil permitting. Plants produce billowy, green foliage growing around 20 inches tall with masses of white to pink blooms from June until frost. Dense flowers clustered atop the green foliage makes it an attractive display. Even though each bloom is only 1/2 inch wide, even a small planting creates nearly a solid carpet of pink all summer long!
Crown vetch is fairly slow to germinate; therefore, if planting at the end of summer or early fall, allow 10 weeks before first hard frost date for establishment. Seeds can take a long time to germinate, so try hurrying the process along by soaking seeds in for four hours in hot water, or nick the seeds with sandpaper to break the seed coat. These plants don't like wet soil, so make sure to plant them away from water features.
Crown Vetch is a cool season, hardy, perennial legume. Crown Vetch is not a true vetch, although it resembles common and hairy vetch. Crown Vetch spreads from rhizomes and will form a dense cover. It has been used for soil stabilization and as an ornamental landscaping for many years.
Once the seedlings are established, relatively few Crown Vetch seedlings per acre will result in good stands because of its spreading habit due to the strong, vigorous rhizomes. Crown Vetch will persist under hay and grazing conditions if soil drainage and fertility is adequate. Its slow recovery after hay harvest suggests that it should not be overgrazed. A 3- to 4-inch stubble left after harvest is desirable to keep it in a productive state. Crown Vetch grows best on well-drained soils that have been limed as for clover. Hay yields have been less than alfalfa, so potash and phosphate should be applied as for red clover. Crown Vetch is toxic to horses because of the presence of nitroglycosides. If consumed in large amounts, it can cause slow growth, paralysis, or death.
*Product packaging may appear different than what is pictured. Back Climate Zone(s) Cool Season Transition Zone Warm Season Coated or Raw Coated Fertilizer Varies GMO No Ideal pH 5.5 - 7.0 Inoculant Needed No Life Cycle Perennial Overseeding Rate 3-5 lbs per acre Seeding Depth 1/4 Inch Seeding Rate 5 - 15 lbs. per acre When to Plant Fall & Spring Back
The usual seeding rate is 5 to 15 pounds per acre. Seed prices are high, so you will want to keep seeding rates low. If low seeding rates are used, techniques designed to ensure maximum plant establishment are of the utmost importance. These techniques include the use of a seed inoculant, chemical weed control and special seeding equipment. If possible, apply lime, phosphate and potash based on red clover requirements. Do not use nitrogen because it will stimulate weeds more than the young Crown Vetch plants.
Seeding Methods1. Spring seed on a prepared seedbed from March 15 to May 15. If possible, the sod should be fall plowed to control weeds and provide a firm seedbed.2. Seed on a litter or mulch from dead Sudan grass from October to April.3. Seed in early spring on a prepared seedbed. 4. Broadcast Crown Vetch seed and roll or pack the soil. You may also seed in rows and cultivate to control weeds. The creeping ability of Crown Vetch will enable it to fill the rows.
Designed for areas needing quick erosion control. The annual ryegrass germinates quickly, lasting for one year; by then, the clover is mature enough to aid in erosion control until the crownvetch matures. Mix formulations are subject to change without notice depending on the availability of existing and new products. While the formula may change, the guiding philosophy and function of the mix will not.
Crown vetch (Coronilla varia) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the pea/legume family. Native to the Mediterranean region of Europe, southwest Asia and northern Africa, it was initially brought into the United States for erosion control during the 1950s. After its introduction, additional uses included livestock forage, green fertilizer and ornamental ground cover. Planted widely throughout the United States, crown vetch is now naturalized in all but four states. Planting of crown vetch continues today primarily along roadsides and other rights of way to stabilize banks and prevent erosion. Found most frequently within disturbed areas, it also commonly populates open fields, waste grounds and gravel bars along streams. Crown vetch tolerates a variety of environmental conditions and grows in dry to moistsoils. However, it prefers open, sunny areas and is intolerant of full shade. Creeping stems, growing 2 to 6 feet long, result in large clumps of crown vetch. Leaves are compound, consisting of 15 to 25 (always odd numbered) oblong leaflets 1 to 2 inches long. Pea-like, pinkish-white flowers occur in clusters at the end of long stalks and bloom from May through August. The flowers develop into long, narrow, flattened pods containing slender seeds. Crown vetch seeds prolifically, with a persistent seed bank remaining viable for up to 15 years. Spreading vegetatively, rhizomes can reach lengths of 10 feet, rapidly expanding stands of crown vetch.
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